
The results will be announced publicly at the MICCAI 2023 challenge session. After the session, the results will be published on the challenge website at this page.

Circle of Willis Quantification Benchmarking Workshop

Results will be announced publicly at the MICCAI 2023 challenge session and subsequently be published on the challenge website. Participants who submit their results before the deadline, will be invited to present their results at the MICCAI Conference 2023. Each participating team that submit their method before the deadline will be asked to prepare a poster for the challenge session and present their method in a 2-minute pitch before we reveal the winners of the challenge.


Participants who submit their results before the deadline and present their results at the MICCAI Conference 2023 will be included as co-authors on a journal paper summarizing the challenge results (maximum of three co-authors per team). The top-3 ranking teams will be awarded with a certificate and gift.


After the challenge, this website will be updated with the results. We will continue to keep the challenge open and a live leader board will be added on the website for submissions received after the deadline. This can be used for benchmarking of submitted methods after the conference.