Bifurcations of the arteries of the circle of Willis (CoW; an arterial anastomotic circle providing blood to the brain) are a typical location for unruptured, intracranial aneurysms (UIAs) to develop. UIAs are relatively common, with an estimated prevalence of 3% in the general population. Rupture of an UIA leads to aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (ASAH), a severe subtype of stroke with significant socio-economic burden. Patients who survive an ASAH often require lifelong rehabilitation or nursing home care1.


Task 1: Circle of Willis classification

Anatomical variation of the arteries of the circle of Willis (CoW) is commonly observed across individuals. Studies report absent, hypoplastic or additional arteries to occur in approximately 70% of the population2. Classification of these anatomical variations is important for clinical practice as incompleteness or asymmetry of the CoW has been associated with an increased risk for intracranial vascular diseases, such as unruptured intracranial aneurysms (UIAs)3 or ischemic stroke4. Specific CoW anatomical variations also occur more often within than between families, suggesting a genetic basis for the CoW configuration5. Genetically-regulated components of imaging marker phenotypes may be identified through genome-wide association studies. The discovery of such components may play an important role in improving risk prediction of UIA development.

Lippert and Pabst6 developed a classification system for the anterior- and posterior part of the CoW based on

their findings in 1985. Both CoW parts (anterior and posterior) are categorized in 10 different classes. An anterior class variant may, for instance, relate to a missing anterior communicating artery or missing A1 segment of an anterior cerebral artery. This classification system has often been used for CoW classification across different studies7, 8.

The purpose of this task is classification of CoW variants on TOF-MRA scans according to Lippert’s classification system. The desired classification output contains two classes per scan: one for the anterior CoW variant and one for the posterior CoW variant.

Task 2: Circle of Willis quantification

Variation in CoW configuration, bifurcation angles and diameters of CoW arteries are one of the few established morphological imaging markers predictive of unruptured, intracranial aneurysm (UIA) development3. Long-term serial screening for UIAs in first-degree family members of ASAH patients is currently recommended with UIAs identified in 11% during first and 8% during follow-up screening9. This shows that the screening process is still suboptimal; in the majority of the screened individuals no UIAs are identified.


New risk factors that can distinguish individuals who are at the highest risk of UIAs would substantially improve the screening process. High-risk individuals could be screened more frequently, whereas the screening frequency for low-risk individuals could be reduced or stopped. Automated assessment of CoW artery diameters and bifurcation angles would facilitate the evaluation of large screening cohorts and benefit the search for new risk factors predictive of UIA development.


This task aims for quantification of the major bifurcation angles and artery diameters of the CoW using weakly
labeled data. We focus on 10 bifurcation angles and 15 locations for artery diameters. Our aim is to investigate the possibility of algorithms to quantify artery morphology directly from TOF-MRAs. The challenge dataset consists of 600 TOF-MRA scans obtained from a familial screening cohort. The desired regression output contains 25 values corresponding to the angles and diameters.


1. Nieuwkamp, Dennis J., et al. “Changes in case fatality of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage over time, according to age, sex, and region: a meta-analysis.” The Lancet Neurology 8.7 (2009): 635-642.
2. Eftekhar, Behzad, et al. “Are the distributions of variations of circle of Willis different in different
populations?–Results of an anatomical study and review of literature.” BMC neurology 6.1 (2006): 1-9.
3. Kancheva, Angelina K., Birgitta K. Velthuis, and Ynte M. Ruigrok. “Imaging markers of intracranial aneurysm
development: A systematic review.” Journal of Neuroradiology (2021).
4. Chuang, Yu-Ming, et al. “Configuration of the circle of Willis is associated with less symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage in ischemic stroke patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis.” Journal of critical care 28.2 (2013): 166-172.
5. Sánchez van Kammen, Mayte, et al. “Heritability of circle of Willis variations in families with intracranial
aneurysms.” PloS one 13.1 (2018): e0191974.
6. Lippert H, Pabst R. In: Cerebralarterial circle (circle of Willis) In: Arterial variations in man:classification and
frequency. Lippert H, Pabst R, editors. Munich, Germany, Bergmann: 1985. pp. 92–93.
7. Alastruey, J. P. K. H., et al. “Modelling the circle of Willis to assess the effects of anatomical variations and
occlusions on cerebral flows.” Journal of biomechanics 40.8 (2007): 1794-1805.
8. Darvish, Hossein, Nasser Fatouraee, and Malikeh Nabaei. “Numerical investigation of perfusion rates in the
circle of Willis in different anatomical variations and ischemic stroke.” Physics of Fluids 33.4 (2021): 041901.
9. Bor, A. Stijntje E., et al. “Long-term, serial screening for intracranial aneurysms in individuals with a family
history of aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: a cohort study.” The Lancet Neurology 13.4 (2014): 385-392.